A coming-of-age story told through the lenses of pornography addiction, music, and romance.
While the medical community still debates pornography addiction, books on the topic should offer nuanced, through-provoking, and interesting vantage points to allow readers to consider (and possibly challenge) their perspectives. Alas, this book does not. Readers meet Adam Hawthorne, a white high school student whose addiction to pornography is almost as strong as Connis’ fondness for grandiose and cumbersome dialogue. A school-based MacGuffin forces Adam to meet weekly with a platitude-spouting music producer–turned–chemistry teacher with a drug- and alcohol-fueled past who saves Adam from expulsion by forcing him to attend a public addiction group and to meet with a group of students who all are caught up in their own destructive addictions. Adam also meets the white and infinitely sexy Desiree “Dez” Coulter, a self-proclaimed addict to addiction. When one of the students falls victim to his demons, Adam must re-examine his life and attempt to move forward as a recovering addict. Separately, Adam’s melodramatic eccentricities are not wholly out of line with the teenage ego, but when assembled, they create a disingenuous character. The secondary characters seem little more than sketches with a few capricious quirks, while the character of Dez and her “addicted to addiction” storyline offer little insight or support for readers considering their own dependencies.
Readers looking for addiction fiction would be better served elsewhere.
(Fiction. 14-18)