A magical medieval murder mystery that will keep readers guessing until the evildoer is revealed.
Durwin, known as Ironfoot ever since a childhood accident crushed his leg, shouldn’t amount to anything. He’s a Saxon, the son of a peasant, and he lives in an England ruled by Norman conquerors. But his skill with horses and sharp wits have endeared him to a Sage from a nearby academy and won him a place there studying alchemy, herbal medicine, logic—and enchantment. And when a prophecy predicts murder, Durwin finds himself on the road to adventure and intrigue, sent to the castle at Barton, along with a Sage named Rolf and the recalcitrant, difficult Squire William, to find out what the prophecy means and why Rolf’s brother, the count, used a dangerous spell to summon him home. Durwin must untangle the mystery—and convince the contemptuous William to help him. A vivid cast of characters that includes a brawny count, a sneering priest, the count’s beautiful young daughter, and the count’s disfigured fool helps keep this tale of intrigue lively. There’s never any real doubt that Durwin will penetrate the mystery and save the day—his skill is somehow always equal to the difficult enchantment at hand—but the plot moves along nimbly enough to keep the reader engaged.
An entertaining, fast-paced read that will please readers looking for mystery and enchantment set amid castles, horses, counts, and peasants.