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HOW DO WE KNOW OURSELVES? by David G. Myers Kirkus Star


Curiosities and Marvels of the Human Mind

by David G. Myers

Pub Date: Nov. 1st, 2022
ISBN: 978-0-374-60195-9
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Thinking about our own thinking is difficult, but this book offers useful advice in an entertaining package.

In his latest book, Myers, a respected figure in the field of psychology, aims to link academic findings with the everyday lives of ordinary people via essays grouped into themes of the self, relationships, and interactions with society. He readily admits that even after 50 years of study, he is still impressed, and often perplexed, by the human mind. Nevertheless, research can provide useful perspectives, helping us to look below the surface of our thinking. We all have a tendency to overestimate our abilities, even when the objective evidence is against us, and we have a strong need to be part of a group of people like ourselves. This can set up a dangerous pattern of polarization, especially in the digital era. “When like minds discuss, their attitudes often become more extreme,” writes the author. “Like hot coals, like minds strengthen one another.” The author cites data showing that many Americans, especially, don’t interact with those who hold different political views—and don’t want to. The urge to be part of an in-group is balanced by our need to be different at a personal level. Other people think about us much less than we might believe, which can be liberating. “A bad hair day hardly matters,” Myers writes. “And if we wear yesterday’s clothes again today, few will notice. Fewer will care. Of those, fewer still will remember.” The author has some fun looking at the phenomenon of being “phubbed”—i.e., “phone snubbed,” when someone stops talking to you to check their phone. Though Myers is unquestionably an authority, he sometimes trades depth for breadth; some essays are just getting interesting when he moves on to another topic. The author does include a comprehensive reference section for those who want to further investigate a particular area.

A witty, enjoyable book with plenty of food for thought.