A duck named Nicholas receives the gift of a Santa coat and hat prior to Christmas in this quirky, funny story that will have both kids and adults laughing. As soon as Nicholas puts on his Santa outfit, all the other animals assume that he is Santa Duck. Each animal that Nicholas meets announces his or her Christmas list, with humorous choices such as a fast racecar for the turtle and a big carrot cake for the rabbit. Nicholas finally meets the real Santa and recounts all the Christmas gift requests, forgetting to ask for anything for himself. But Santa delivers the goods, leaving each animal a requested item as well as a nice thank-you note and a personalized car for Santa Duck. Milgrim’s simple cartoon-style illustrations have a fresh, cheery charm with wry humor in the speech-balloon comments. The tight narrative has just the right amount of dialogue and conflict to entertain preschoolers (and adults too), and it has the potential to become a read-it-over-and-over favorite. (Picture book. 3-6)