67187892.198 Weber, David ECHOES OF HONOR Addition to Weber’s series about the genetically engineered space-warrior whiz Honor Harrington (In Enemy Hands, 1997, and numerous paperbacks), who serves the good-guy Alliance in its struggle against the evil-empire Peeps. Last time out, Honor was blown up along with her ship and shipmates—at least, so the Peeps think. Now the latter fake some footage of Honor’s “execution” and beam it back to planet Grayson and the family in Harrington House, Harrington City. Loyal readers will know, however, that Honor deliberately scuttled her ship to fool the Peeps, and escaped to the hellish prison planet Hades. So, while the Alliance are caught napping by the invading Peeps and must stage an elaborate comeback, Honor will tackle Hades. No prizes for guessing who wins. Business as usual in the far-future military-political spaceways.