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BECAUSE I SAID SO... by Dawn Meehan


And Other Tales from a Less-Than-Perfect Parent

by Dawn Meehan

Pub Date: July 5th, 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4391-9176-7
Publisher: Howard Books/Simon & Schuster

Frolicking adventures of an award-winning mommy blogger whose humorous kid story sold a baseball on eBay for $1,125.00 and launched her Internet career.

Meehan dishes out slice-of-life vignettes from her hectic days as a divorced mother of six children, all named after places on the map. Like her blog, the author’s stories are a chaotic but happy roller-coaster ride of skinned knees, unbalanced bank accounts and sleepless nights. With much tongue-in-cheek humor, Meehan explodes the Supermom myth. Sometimes, the tooth fairy gets busy and forgets to leave money. Other times, mom loses one of her tykes at the store. When her darling child repeatedly screams “boobs!” in the bra department, the author doesn’t mind admitting that she’d rather hurl herself down the stairs—twice—instead of take the kids shopping. What mother hasn’t experienced the fun of “he started it” fights or a preschooler’s self-haircuts, no matter how well the scissors have been hidden? And, of course, no imperfect mother’s life is complete without unsolicited child-rearing advice from strangers. Don’t expect any touchy-feely stuff here—e.g., Meehan knows that if no bones are showing through skin, a child isn’t really hurt and can “go play.” As a chauffer for six kids, it’s no wonder she longs for a cloning device. But she's managed to stay sane and love the sticky ones with a passion. Sure, these may be the same stories many mothers tell—but that’s the point.

Family Circus meets The Simpsons.