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GOODNIGHT SOUNDS by Debbie S. Miller


by Debbie S. Miller ; illustrated by Michelle Jing Chan

Pub Date: Oct. 1st, 2024
ISBN: 9781681191997
Publisher: Bloomsbury

Who says bedtime must be quiet?

Not the pale-skinned young narrator of this noisy nighttime story. Gazing out the window at the nearby Golden Gate Bridge, the child soon falls asleep to the sounds of the foghorn. Readers are asked what sounds help them nod off; the narrator offers a litany of suggestions—sounds that can be heard in urban, suburban, rural, and even woodland settings. Many will be warmly familiar, like those that emanate from the comfort of kids’ own homes: a purring cat, a ticking clock, the tinkling of a music box, a brother’s soft breathing. Are there sounds more deliciously comforting than Grandma telling a story, a mother singing a lullaby, or a father “gently playing his guitar”? Even more enticing, all the noises the narrator mentions are accompanied by onomatopoeic “sound bites” set in black boldfaced type that playfully cavort on each double-page spread. If children haven’t heard these “goodnight sounds” before, they’ll be eager to and will gleefully stay awake to mimic them; they’ll likely have favorites. Finally, the narrator concludes, “the sounds of night are your lullaby”—whatever they are—and assures readers that they’ll soon fall asleep. The colorful and warm digital illustrations are soothing. Background characters are diverse in terms of age and race.

Winning bedtime fare.

(Picture book. 4-7)