A delightful takedown of our unreasonable worship of numbers.
In 1954, Darrell Huff’s bestselling How To Lie With Statistics began a genre that continues to produce numerous books each year. Stone, a professor at MIT and Brandeis whose specialty is political science and social policy, casts an equally critical eye but delves far more deeply into the subject. To Stone, a number is not a fact but a tool, useful only if we know how it works. When the U.S. Census Bureau announces that Whites are becoming a minority, what’s to argue with? Doesn’t the census merely count? However, the Bureau defines White as a person who checks the “White” box on the form—and none of the 13 other boxes. Checking the “Hispanic” box or both the “Hispanic” and “White” boxes makes you a non-White. Children of mixed marriages are never White, ditto with anyone checking “White” and “Other.” It’s a mess. “Numbers don’t speak for themselves but their creators….More often than not,” writes the author, “numbers are part of somebody’s argument.” They can mean whatever their authors want them to mean, so all are “cooked”—not faked but assembled from various ingredients that vary according to circumstances. If you have any doubts, asking the numbers themselves won’t help; you have to address the authors. As Stone lays out her examples of irrational faith in numbers, readers will squirm, but not with disbelief. Founding Father James Madison’s meticulous, if creepy calculation demonstrating that a Black slave is worth precisely three-fifths of a White freeman will certainly put his statues in peril. Graded according to their death rates, the best hospitals perform badly because they deal with the sickest patients. Graded (and promoted or fired) on how well students score on a standardized test, teachers teach how to take the test.
Enthralling evidence that there is less to numbers than meets the eye.