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NEW EACH DAY by Debra J. Robbins


A Spiritual Practice for Reading Psalms

by Debra J. Robbins

Pub Date: Nov. 20th, 2023
ISBN: 9780881236415
Publisher: Central Conference of American Rabbis Press

Robbins, a rabbi, explores the value of routinely reading psalms in this nonfiction work.

The 150 psalms in Jewish scripture cover the spectrum of human emotion and religious life. There are psalms of praise, lament, and thanksgiving; others provide historical retellings or defy genre classification altogether. While the ancient practice of reciting the Shir Shel Yom (“Psalm of the Day”) may seem outdated in the 21st century, the author emphasizes the importance of developing spiritual routines to our mental well-being. To those interested in using psalms as the basis of their daily prayers, Robbins cautions against the natural inclination to start at Psalm 1 and read the rest chronologically—they are perhaps most effective when read in close conjunction with the Jewish calendar. This book provides analysis of the historical context needed to better understand the psalms, as well as explanations of the complex metaphors and myriad of Hebrew names used to describe God. For instance, the word Adonai, translated into English as “my Lord,” is far more meaningful after one realizes that it is the “vocalization of the ineffable Hebrew letters spelling one of God’s names, yod, hei, vav, hei”). In addition to providing learned commentary, the author also offers practical advice on how to routinize daily readings, including tips on maintaining a written journal and creating a physical space that is attentive to lighting and temperature. A member of the clergy at Temple Emanu-El in Dallas, Texas, and author of multiple books on Judaism, Robbins brings a scholarly panache to her biblical commentary that is reflected in the book’s ample endnotes and reference materials. And while there is much in this book for academics, it is impressively accessible, offering lay readers an engaging narrative, actionable guidance, and a wealth of ancillary materials to help readers navigate the Jewish calendar and holidays.

An astute and welcoming introduction to the daily practice of reading psalms.