This workbook for teens suffering from anxiety offers lessons, examples, and exercises.
Ten chapters instruct readers in rewiring their brains in various ways to reduce or eliminate the limitations imposed by symptoms of anxiety on daily life. The chapters address self-denigrating thoughts, staying in the present moment, coping with emotional pain, developing resilience, recognizing negative biases, handling intense emotions, moving past procrastination and avoidance, developing confidence, and consolidating gains over the long term. Readers are encouraged to keep a training journal as they work through the book, and free worksheets available for download online are referenced as well. An explanation of basic brain hardware and functions forms the introductory lesson, and the first exercise asks readers to imagine who they might be without anxiety in order to motivate them to do the work required of them in the training program. Chapters begin with a scenario in which two teens face the same situation and react differently—one with anxiety, one without. After an analysis of the real effects of the anxious symptoms, related exercises aim to decrease the power of these behaviors. The scenarios are realistic and relatable, and the analyses are logical and clear. The exercises are straightforward, though some require determination to implement, as when readers are asked to conjure physical symptoms intentionally. Readers will learn how symptoms of anxiety stem from useful bodily responses gone awry as well as many useful thoughts and actions to interrupt their anxiety.
Practical, challenging, informative—positively worthwhile.
(references) (Nonfiction. 14-18)