The indefatigable Chopra (The Path to Love, 1997, etc.) offers an adaptation of his work The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (which sold 1.6 million copies) intended for parents wanting to pass on the concepts of that work to their children. Children need to know, Chopra asserts, that nature "wants us to be successful." Setting our children "firmly on the journey of spirit" is "the best thing we can do to ensure their success in life, better than giving them money, a secure home, or even love and affection." Each day of the week is devoted to one of the laws, and each law gets its own chapter, which includes both an explanation of the law for children (and a more concrete expression of it: "Everything is possible" and "Enjoy the journey," for instance) and suggestions on parent/child activities that can bring the concept home. Spirituality and personal fulfillment in seven easy steps—so easy, Chopra says, even a child can learn them.