Already a favorite of preschoolers, Fleming (In the Small, Small Pond, 1993, etc.) takes an appreciation of the natural world a giant step further. Rhythmic verse—``Where once there was a wood/a meadow/and a creek . . . sit houses side by side/twenty houses deep''—demonstrates that there was another sort of community before people arrived, ``where once the brown snake/slithered and slipped out of sight.'' An ecology lesson it surely is, but it's also a celebration of the earth and its creatures. Illustrations in vivid jewel-and-earth tones appear on handmade paper; the woods, creeks, and meadows are clean and inviting, and, bringing balance to the presentation, the new houses are not without their charms. The lively back matter, titled ``Welcome Wildlife to Your Backyard Habitat,'' offers substantial, easily executed suggestions for encouraging wildlife around the home; it's information just right for family and classroom sharing. Perfect for Earth Day observances, a book that's as welcome as spring. (bibliography) (Picture book. 3-6)