Conrad Tesdinic has an Evil Fate in this entertaining Chrestomanci tale that begins a few years after The Lives of Christopher Chant (1988) leaves off. Conrad detests working in his Uncle Alfred’s bookshop in the shadow of magical Stallery Mansion, and yearns for the day he can leave for high school. Alas, his dark Fate intervenes; Uncle Alfred explains that Conrad’s Karma, earned with wicked deeds in a previous life, will lead to an agonizing death unless he kills a man in Stallery Mansion. Luckily for Conrad, Uncle Alfred has gotten him a job at Stallery. Conrad dislikes Stallery Mansion, and somebody keeps shifting reality, turning eggs into bacon and sundials into statues. He befriends fellow trainee Christopher, a charming and secretive boy who is searching for a magically stuck friend. As Conrad and Christopher explore multiple realities, Conrad’s long-lost sister appears, involved in Stallery’s dangerous intrigues. A wild romp with a fast-paced and satisfying conclusion, Conrad’s humorous adventures will appeal to Christopher’s existing fans and Jones neophytes alike. (Fantasy. 10-14)