“Hush, Little Baby” receives a bright makeover, with seagulls and sand pies replacing mockingbirds and diamond rings. Repetitive phrases may mirror the soothing lullaby's format, but this blissful beach day opens with a more enthusiastic call for action. “Hey, little beachcomber, what do you say? / Let's take a trip to the beach today!” The possibilities appear endless, as various families and friends bask in the sun and ride the waves. The cheerful voice remains optimistic throughout. Whether the picnic overflows with food or birds scrounge for tasty treats, there’s always another way to enjoy the warm weather. The lilting text naturally progresses through each experience. An upbeat resolution concludes the outdoor outing. Pastel spreads flash with smudges of golden color, with their hazy hues dominating each page, the brief rhyming text highlighting each featured activity. Thick strokes convey the water’s intensity, while squiggled lines shade in each face. Clean white edges maintain the focus on the energetic pictures within. The absence of concrete borders allows the soft shades to ebb and flow, resembling the ocean’s calming crash. Overall, a fresh take on the joys of the salty sea. (Picture book. 2-6)