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WIGGLE by Doreen Cronin


by Doreen Cronin & illustrated by Scott Menchin

Pub Date: June 1st, 2005
ISBN: 0-689-86375-6
Publisher: Atheneum

This alternative to “Shake My Sillies Out” offers wiggles galore, but is sometimes vague about the suggested movement. In spontaneous-sounding verse, Cronin directs her audience to “first wiggle where your tail would be. Then wiggle all your hair. Feeling extra silly? Wiggle in your underwear!” And so on—but some adult direction will be required for the gorilla wiggle (“Do they make a wiggle noise?”), and though Menchin features a clearly drawn dog acting out most of the wiggles in his digitally drawn cartoons, a crocodile and a newly hatched bird are not posed in ways that provide visual cues. Still, not too bad a choice for preschoolers in need of a wiggle break. (Picture book. 3-5)