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CAREGIVING by Eboni Green


Things You Need to Know

by Eboni Green

Pub Date: Sept. 2nd, 2024
ISBN: 9780971558298
Publisher: Green Publishing

This modern guide by an experienced professional clarifies caregiving by putting an emphasis on self-care and elder autonomy.

The necessity for long-term care of a loved one, whether they’ve been incapacitated by chronic illness, disabled by an injury, or simply in need of assistance completing daily tasks, can come without warning. The 65 million Americans who work as nonprofessional caregivers often balance other family and work responsibilities at the same time, which leaves them little room for taking proper care of themselves. In this thorough and easy-to-read guide, Green, a registered nurse with more than 30 years of healthcare experience, walks readers through every aspect of caregiving, from avoiding burnout to navigating the sometimes-opaque American healthcare system. She divides her book into five sections whose subjects range from identifying common medical conditions to organizing a “Caregiver Action Plan.” Her sections on Covid-19, which also addresses the potential long-term effects of the illness, are timely additions that provide specific information about the novel coronavirus’s impact on seniors. Each section presents complex information is visual form via tables and charts, which will aid comprehension. For readers seeking to track variable elements of a caretaking plan, such as medications, Green helpfully includes worksheets to fill out with patient-specific information. The author also doesn’t shy away from the more difficult aspects of caretaking, such as planning for hospice care or funeral services, and she presents practical advice for dealing with the emotional effects of illness and loss. Green maintains a warm tone throughout, interspersing literary quotes and personal anecdotes to introduce some levity and to remind caregivers that they’re not alone in their experiences.

A comprehensive and authoritative care manual that will interest professionals and laypeople alike.