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by E.C.R. Lorac

Pub Date: Feb. 23rd, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-4642-1509-4
Publisher: Poisoned Pen

All the restrictions imposed on London in 1944 can’t prevent a most private murder among a tiny circle of neighbors and guests in this ingenious wartime cozy from the pseudonymous Edith Caroline Rivett (1894-1958).

A disturbance outside the studio of impoverished artist Bruce Manaton turns out to be bumptious Special Constable Lewis Verraby arresting Neil Folliner for the murder of his great-uncle, Albert Folliner, in the adjoining house. Not a bit of it, protests the young Canadian; coming to visit and see if he could be of any help, he’d entered the open front door and climbed the stairs to find the old pauper (or miser?) already shot to death. A pair of witnesses at either end of this block of Hollyberry Hill narrow the list of alternative suspects to half a dozen. But no one would suspect Folliner’s devoted charlady, Mrs. Tubbs, and at least four of the others have cast-iron alibis. As Manaton painted actor André Delaunier in a cardinal’s robes, his other guests, Home Office veteran Robert Cavenish and young government chemist Ian Mackellon, were playing chess in the same cavernous room. Only the painter’s sister, Rosanne Manaton, who spent most of the evening preparing dinner in the kitchen, could conceivably have slipped out. Chief Inspector Macdonald of the CID scrupulously avoids licentious theorizing as he questions the impossible suspects and gradually reveals a powerful motive involving 25 Hollyberry Hill.

Few readers will be surprised by the denouement, but they’ll have passed a pleasant few hours anyway.