Not just murder, but rape, too, as Cuban-American Miami Daily News staffer Britt Montero (Nobody Lives Forever, 1990; Contents Under Pressure, 1992), on the trail of the Downtown Rapist who's attacked half a dozen women in public restrooms, provokes him into sending her illiterate threatening letters and a cow's severed tongue (a SanterĀ°a curse, according to her Aunt Odalys) before her inevitable trip to the ladies' room. In the meantime, the corpses keep on coming: three-times ``self-made widower'' Dieter Steiner gets electrocuted—whizzed to death, actually—Emerson Creech, long suspected of killing his niece, is a victim of sexual asphyxia; Paul Eldridge, missing since 1987, turns up inside his submerged Chevy Malibu; and contractor Sam Farrington nearly becomes a permanent fixture in his latest project. All this, plus Britt's frustrated determination to reopen the decades- old case of little Mary Beth Rafferty, whose body was discovered by a suspect whose name was never revealed—and who's now the heavy favorite to be elected governor. As many loose ends as you'd expect from such a full slate; but peerless crime reporter Buchanan lays out the main plotlines with a master's hand, never forgets that her magnetic reporter-heroine is her biggest story, and swirls the high-octane cocktail with a zillion anecdotes, most of them zingers.