Little ones can explore Hanukkah traditions on “chew-proof” pages, part of the Indestructibles series.
A kippah-wearing toddler with white skin, brown hair, and rosy cheeks greets older visitors (grandparents, perhaps?) from a window adorned with a menorah. On the subsequent double-page spreads, each with one or two sentences of spare, clear text, this family enjoys latkes and other traditional treats, lights the candles, spins the dreidel, sings songs, and more. Two younger caregivers (likely the parents) fill out the scenes along with three other preschool-age children, all of whom look to be white, and a tag-along black and orange cat. Trukhan’s delightful and accessible imagery looks to be cut-paper collage employing simple forms in bold colors. The “indestructible” format, using a Tyvek-like material, is the trim size of a typical board book but has the look and feel of paperback. It is sturdy enough to survive teething babies and enthusiastic toddlers alike.
A warm, family-centered introduction to the Festival of Lights.
(Baby book. 6 mos.-3)