A moving tale that explores a child’s notions of time and the enduring nature of love. Caroline, a young mouse, is just learning about time. She asks her mother “how long” until each of several events’story time, lunch—and measures the time in terms of her activities. During the course of the day, Caroline learns that the minute while she waits for her mother to read her a story is equivalent to the time it took her to paint a line. The ten minutes to lunch is matched by the period during which she lined up her trucks; the twenty minutes until the moon comes out is comparable to her creation of a long, long daisy chain. Ultimately, Caroline asks her mother how long her love will last, and a well-phrased answer that translates to “forever” satisfies the small mouse. Using scenarios familiar to children and reinforcing comprehension through repetition, Dale provides children with tangible parallels to clock time. Marks provides gently shaded watercolors. (Picture book. 3-6)