Hannah is proud of her hard-earned reputation of “invisible girl,” something that wasn’t easy for her to achieve, due to her infamous parents. Her estranged father, Jackson, is something of a Hugh Hefner type. Candy, her mother, supports herself and Hannah by posing for fans in her underwear. Now a senior, quiet-yet-sassy Hannah finds herself crushing on two boys: sensitive, gorgeous, perfect Josh and awkward, funny Finn. Which boy to choose, however, becomes the least of Hannah’s problems when her dad calls in an attempt to rekindle their relationship. Through crushes and fights, Hannah comes to a deeper understanding of what it means to love. Hannah is neither too witty nor too empty but nicely normal, and Scott shows an understanding of the many stages of teen romance, from infatuation to breakup. This classic girl-meets-boys story will capture the whole spectrum of girl romance readers. Unfortunately, the cover depicts a blond in a tank top, where Hannah is actually a brunette who prefers to keep herself covered up—a misstep readers will notice. (Fiction. YA)