Again a private world of uneasy relationships and ravelled emotions for the story of an inconclusive love affair which began as a children's game of hide-and-seek. For to Caroline, passive, indecisive at eighteen, Vesey was to be a first and final love, and the sick fancies, postured attitudes he assumed spelled a glamor she was not to forget- certainly not through prosaic Charles whom she married. And when she meets Vesey again, after twenty years, now a bit part actor living in shabby lodgings, her love for him is still fresh and unrequited, but- as it progresses to tentative, furtive meetings- brings with it the disconsolate realization that their youth is past and cannot be recaptured... A shaded, subtle recording of lonely lives which find no real contact- or comfort-with each other (Charles, awkward and ill at ease when the memory of Vesey obtrudes; Vesey, whose self-love knows little concern for others; Caroline lost in her youthful illusions) the insights here are finedrawn, the conclusions inescapable. For her audience- which is established if selective.