In this action-packed sequel to Rule (2018), Zofi, Ren, and Akeylah once again find themselves in a precarious position in the palace they now call home.
Not only are they hiding terrible acts of treason, but they are also no closer to finding their blackmailer—the true heir—who threatens to expose them. Since the sisters refuse to give up their claims to the throne, the blackmailer begins to target them and their loved ones instead: Following the murder of their aunt, Yasmin, an attempt is made on Ren’s life (although she is rescued in the nick of time). To make matters worse, everyone now knows that Zofi murdered her half brother, the Silver Prince, and that Ren’s misplaced trust resulted in the loss of hundreds of lives. Only Akeylah’s secret—accidentally cursing King Andros to his death—is still safe, but that is only because the true heir thinks she is easy to manipulate. With Zofi banished from the kingdom and Ren under lock and key, will the sisters stop the true heir before anyone else is killed? Goodlett does not disappoint—unexpected twists and turns keep the plot fresh and readers wanting more, and character development is stronger than in the previous volume. Ethnicity remains difficult to determine, but the treatment of Travelers and mistrust of foreigners reflect issues in our world.
A female-centric narrative that puts empathy, trust, and familial love before romance.
(Fantasy. 14-18)