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by Ellery Adams

Pub Date: Oct. 22nd, 2024
ISBN: 9781496743794
Publisher: Kensington

A bookseller searches for a hidden treasure trove of books

As the owner of Miracle Books, Nora Pennington occasionally offers shop-at-home services to her customers. In Lucille Wynter’s case, she takes it a step further, bringing books to the reclusive woman and sitting with her in her sparsely furnished “boot room,” where they share tea and Lorna Doones. When Lucille fails to appear one day, a worried Nora calls her, only to hear a faint “Help me. Please!” from Lucille’s landline. Following the instructions her boyfriend, Sheriff Grant McCabe, once gave her for kicking a door in, Nora breaks in, only to find Lucille dead and Wynter House filled floor to ceiling with rotting food, trash, and books, books, books. Lucille has left Nora a letter thanking her for her visits and entrusting her with a special book written by Lucille’s father, Hugo Wynter. The volume contains a woodblock engraving of a set of bookshelves and a poem about a little lost library. Each verse contains cryptic clues that Nora hopes will help her figure out how Lucille could have lost a library and perhaps even help Nora find it. Lucille’s children, Harper, Beck, and Clem, commission Nora’s friend Bea, an antique dealer, to help clear out their mother’s house, and Nora uses the time while Bea is decluttering to follow the clues in the poem. In the meantime, McCabe tells her that Lucille wasn’t killed in a fall but was strangled. Nora's search for the lost library and her quest to find Lucille’s killer intersect, but chance plays as great a role as sleuthing in their solution. The grim ending reveals a sad history that strips all the joy from Nora’s efforts.

Complex but ultimately unsatisfying.