A writer and transient farmer chronicles multiple seasons of work and life.
In her debut memoir, spanning four years of her life, Gaydos proceeds chronologically according to the season. Early on, she introduces Graham, an old friend and painter with whom she began a romantic relationship; that bond forms a constant amid the temporary settings of her jobs. Gaydos clearly loves Graham, as she also loves writing and her family, but they are secondary to the work she has chosen. Despite her other loves, “there is the problem that I am promised to the farm.” Each of the farms where she has worked may have different specialties in different locations, but they are alike in their rural settings, menial pay, and painstaking labor. Gaydos describes the realities of farm life with honest precision, neither indulging in unnecessary dramatizing nor shying away from the numerous harsh realities. “The rooster named Commander succumbs to the breeding of flies,” she writes. “He is under the care of the three-year-old….Commander isn’t getting better. One day the farmer takes him out of his cage and cuts off his head with a shovel, [a] compassionate act.” The most affecting passages focus on the people the author met in the communities where she has lived. Gaydos describes an evening spent at the Lebanon Valley Speedway’s annual Eve of Destruction demolition derby event, a spectacle that was marred by the death of a driver a few years prior, killed when his RV collapsed upon impact with a Jeep. Despite the tragedy, “a lot of people wanted to keep the show going….Someone in town told me…that people die what seems like every other year on this track.” The incident illustrates in dramatic fashion what Gaydos paints in broad strokes throughout her book, a complex and fraught portrait of a lifestyle that is simultaneously protective, precarious, and resistant to change.
Lyrical and cleareyed insight into farming from a writer devoted to both crafts.