The traditional saga of high-school girl meets two boys, done up with a literary and mature style. When she arrives at an exclusive private school at which her father is the new principal, Love Bukowski anticipates that as a “fac brat” she won’t make many friends. She’s proved wrong on her first day when she falls for Rob, a Greek-god type boy, but also meets Jason, the sensitive, musical boy in her lit class. Love fits into the school just fine, getting into slapstick comic troubles, excelling in some classes and struggling in others, but mostly dealing with serious romantic possibilities when Rob breaks up with his girlfriend. Writing to appeal to serious readers, Franklin assumes that her audience feels comfortable with her overachieving student characters. As such, the book won’t appeal to reluctant readers, but may do well with the honors lit crowd. Often funny, sometimes wise, a good read. (Fiction. YA)