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The Essential Guide for First-Time Drivers and Car Owners

by Emma Carlson Berne ; illustrated by Shaw Nielsen

Pub Date: Aug. 27th, 2024
ISBN: 9781250290601
Publisher: Odd Dot

A cheery gathering of tips and advice for freshly licensed young motorists.

“You passed! Let’s gooooo!” Berne cheers. But before putting the pedal to the metal, she shares a few things to do and know. Some of what follows, such as types of road signs and parallel parking techniques, are covered in typical driver’s ed manuals (though here in a format that’s far more visually enticing), but other information may not be, such as emergency items to store in the trunk, safety tips for traveling with children and pets, and canny practices on the road and in parking lots. The author covers how to behave when stopped by police, but some of her advice—“The cop will ask for your license, registration, and insurance. Grab those as quickly as you can”—feels out of touch with Black and brown teens’ safety concerns. The bulleted checklists of procedures in the wake of collisions of various sorts are handy, but the book focuses more on practical basics: what all those little dashboard lights mean, how to check tire pressure and oil, how to change a tire, and how to gas up or charge vehicles. Berne describes texting while driving as “supremely bad” and strongly discourages it, but readers only learn from the map labeled “Fun Facts” toward the end of the book that it’s illegal in 49 states. Nielsen’s retro-style blocky illustrations break up and help clarify the text.

Not a glove compartment essential but well stocked with helpful bits.

(glossary, index) (Nonfiction. 15-18)