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Sea And Song

by E.P. Clark

Pub Date: April 2nd, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-952723-24-7
Publisher: Helia Press

In Clark’s novel, which is part of an ongoing fantasy series, a young royal with magical abilities acts as a diplomat in times of war and conflict.

Seventeen-year-old Dasha Tsarinovna is the only daughter to the Empress of the land of Zem’. She was conceived by the gods and born with the supernatural powers of a “seer,” but she has struggled with conjuring visions and using her magic in her adolescence. She wants to be useful, so she appeals to the Princess Council to be an envoy to the government of Rutsi, whose soldiers conquered and pillaged surrounding lands for a decade. As she embarks on a journey to Rutsi with her personal guard, Alik, and a small troop of soldiers to uncover the truth, Dasha encounters danger, mystery, and magic that test her abilities as a sorceress, princess, and leader. Later, a princess from another province brokers a potential alliance with Rutsi that hinges on Dasha’s being married off, and the young woman learns that the Princess Council may have been told lies that could affect everyone in the land. Clark’s novel weaves war, politics, romance, and the trials of young adulthood into a fantastical and vividly detailed setting. The author presents an abundance of characters but provides necessary backstory along the way, effortlessly moving between accounts of the country’s history and its present conflicts. It also delicately addresses the concepts of destiny and free will as recurring themes. The subtle but effective prose moves smoothly between characters’ ruminations and more action-packed scenes. As the well-paced quest narrative takes hold, Clark employs skillful imagery, and a slow-burning romance will keep readers engaged.

A passionate coming-of-age story that effectively showcases the power of politics and friendship.