Kimmel spins out an original yarn featuring Pecos Bill, Slue Foot Sue, their five children and 18,376 hamsters. When the youngest young’un, Slue Foot Sal, asks for a pet hamster, her fond parents oblige. Unfortunately, she gets two—and in no time a scampering swarm has fanned out over the prairie, nibbling down the grass and spooking the longhorns. Fortunately, Bill knows a man in Chicago who’ll take them all (for pets). Unfortunately, they’ll first have to be rounded up and herded to the railyard in Abilene. Using a palette of invitingly pale, warm hues, Whatley depicts squads of smiling, irresistibly cute hamsters in close-up ground level and underground scenes being herded by broad-faced, comically confused-looking “cow” pokes in full western gear. Readers who didn’t get their fill of hamsters from Peggy Rathmann’s 10 Minutes Till Bedtime (1998) will scurry after this rodentine rout; it also makes a good match for Barbara Ann Porte’s A Turkey Drive and Other Tales, illustrated by Yossi Abolafia (1993). (Picture book. 7-9)