A travel-adventure story, the tale of three young fellows attempting a trip between Sydney, Australia, and New Guinea in a boat planned for harbor cruising. A Britisher, an Irishman and a husky of uncertain race -- the Irishman is the story-teller, and he succeeds in making the smallest incident interesting. They won the boat on a deal put through with a drunk, and forced him to stand and deliver. They took five months for half the trip they planned to make in two. And wherever they went, for whatever reason, whether women or savages or steady drinking or poker or sailing, the incidents are worth reading for entertainment. Storm, hunger, friendship, and a wreck -- the trip held all and more. Death of the Britisher put an end to the glamour. For men and older (seasoned) boys, for it's a bit raw in spots. But it's entirely too entertaining to limit to men only. Grand reading.