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Elevating Our Self and Social Awareness To Address Inequities

by Farah Harris

Pub Date: April 26th, 2023
ISBN: 9798987763902
Publisher: WorkingWell Daily, LLC

A psychotherapist calls for heightening the social equity elements of emotional intelligence.

“Emotional intelligence is a vital muscle that needs continuous strength training,” writes Harris in her nonfiction book, referring to the concept first popularized by Daniel Goleman in his 2006 bestseller, Emotional Intelligence. “Yet we consistently miss how this skill set is much deeper, broader, and richer than how it has been taught.” Harris contends that one of the main ways the concept of emotional intelligence can be enhanced is to make it more responsive to elements of race and diversity. From her point of view as a psychotherapist and counselor, she sees the typical presentation of emotional intelligence as incomplete. “The techniques taught to us are of limited use or inefficient for clients we serve who aren’t White,” she writes. “Can we actively serve our clients well when we try to make them fit into a box that was never designed for them?” At the core of this broader awareness is of course empathy, which the author views as “an emotional intelligence competency.” She uses empathy to skillfully ground the helpful “EQ-Tips” and “EQ Review” sections that fill her chapters on expanding emotional intelligence and social awareness considerations to include disabled, neurodivergent, and marginalized people of all kinds. Harris is a tremendously engaging guide to all this, always managing to strike a well-balanced tone between fervent optimism and tough realism. “Healthy” doesn’t always mean “happy,” she reminds her readers. They might not like working out or reviewing their monthly budgets, but it’s certainly healthy do so. And although her diversity points are well made, her underlying message of empathy and greater understanding will be applicable to readers in all situations.

A passionate and richly readable plan for extending the reach of emotional intelligence.