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Add this stylish, romantic tale of nomad lovers separated and reunited to Temples tragically short, but uniformly memorable, shelf of books. Yielding reluctantly to his uncles pressure, Atiyah leaves his fathers tents, and his betrothed, Halima, to study at the great university at Fez. There he falls in with Etienne, a French scholar readers will remember from The Ramsey Scallop (1994); when the two learn that Halima has been lost in a sandstorm, they contrive to borrow horses and dash off to find her. Meanwhile, Halima has been rescued by Raisulu, arrogant sheikh of the rival Shummari, who sets aside her betrothal, arguing that she is a foundling, and proposes marriage. Temples evocation of the Beduin—a grand, generous nation of poets and storytellers shaped by their religion and their hostile, sometimes beautiful environment—is easily as vivid as the storyline; the women are as strongminded as the men, even the children engage in rhyming contests, and so powerful is the grip of law and custom that, in a startling climactic twist, when the previously villainous Raisulu makes his formal marriage announcement, he names not himself, but Atiyah as the bridegroom. It would be too easy to find signs that this book lacks the characteristic polish of Temple's previous books; regardless, this one glitters with the intelligence and skill of a gifted storyteller, and will sweep readers along on an exotic, satisfying adventure. (Fiction. 11-16)

Pub Date: April 1, 1996

ISBN: 0-531-09519-3

Page Count: 150

Publisher: Orchard

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Jan. 1, 1996

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The wish-fulfilling title and sun-washed, catalog-beautiful teens on the cover will be enticing for girls looking for a...

Han’s leisurely paced, somewhat somber narrative revisits several beach-house summers in flashback through the eyes of now 15-year-old Isabel, known to all as Belly. 

Belly measures her growing self by these summers and by her lifelong relationship with the older boys, her brother and her mother’s best friend’s two sons. Belly’s dawning awareness of her sexuality and that of the boys is a strong theme, as is the sense of summer as a separate and reflective time and place: Readers get glimpses of kisses on the beach, her best friend’s flirtations during one summer’s visit, a first date. In the background the two mothers renew their friendship each year, and Lauren, Belly’s mother, provides support for her friend—if not, unfortunately, for the children—in Susannah’s losing battle with breast cancer. Besides the mostly off-stage issue of a parent’s severe illness there’s not much here to challenge most readers—driving, beer-drinking, divorce, a moment of surprise at the mothers smoking medicinal pot together. 

The wish-fulfilling title and sun-washed, catalog-beautiful teens on the cover will be enticing for girls looking for a diversion. (Fiction. 12-14)

Pub Date: May 5, 2009

ISBN: 978-1-4169-6823-8

Page Count: 288

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15, 2009

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Certain to provoke controversy and difficult to see as a book for children, who could easily miss the painful point.

After Hitler appoints Bruno’s father commandant of Auschwitz, Bruno (nine) is unhappy with his new surroundings compared to the luxury of his home in Berlin.

The literal-minded Bruno, with amazingly little political and social awareness, never gains comprehension of the prisoners (all in “striped pajamas”) or the malignant nature of the death camp. He overcomes loneliness and isolation only when he discovers another boy, Shmuel, on the other side of the camp’s fence. For months, the two meet, becoming secret best friends even though they can never play together. Although Bruno’s family corrects him, he childishly calls the camp “Out-With” and the Fuhrer “Fury.” As a literary device, it could be said to be credibly rooted in Bruno’s consistent, guileless characterization, though it’s difficult to believe in reality. The tragic story’s point of view is unique: the corrosive effect of brutality on Nazi family life as seen through the eyes of a naïf. Some will believe that the fable form, in which the illogical may serve the objective of moral instruction, succeeds in Boyne’s narrative; others will believe it was the wrong choice.

Certain to provoke controversy and difficult to see as a book for children, who could easily miss the painful point. (Fiction. 12-14)

Pub Date: Sept. 12, 2006

ISBN: 0-385-75106-0

Page Count: 224

Publisher: David Fickling/Random

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Aug. 15, 2006

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