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OUR BIGGEST FIGHT by Frank H. McCourt Jr.


Reclaiming Liberty, Humanity, and Dignity in the Digital Age

by Frank H. McCourt Jr. with Michael J. Casey

Pub Date: March 12th, 2024
ISBN: 9780593728512
Publisher: Crown

A business executive in the tech space explores the problem of internet over-centralization and how it can be resolved.

The internet began as a “utopian dream” that promised unfettered access to information and the opportunity for global collaboration. Three decades later, the Silicon Valley giants that dominate it have led to what McCourt calls “digital feudalism.” The “black box” technology of proprietary algorithms has allowed corporations like Facebook and Google to treat users as little more than profit-generating information mines. McCourt, assisted by Money Reimagined podcast host Casey, suggests that this unchecked desire to control data for self-serving ends is at the heart of the dysfunction that now plagues American democracy. Not only has it led to the spread of socially divisive disinformation—as evidenced in the Cambridge Analytica scandal of 2018—on social media; it has also fostered blindness to such social media ills as cyberbullying, which in turn has given rise to a mental health crisis among younger, more vulnerable users. McCourt believes that the way individuals can reassert control is by using a Decentralized Social Networking Protocol, which offers users the ability to control “different types of information about them and their social connections.” The premise behind the author’s argument—that decentralizing corporate autocratic control over online information will be crucial to mending a broken democratic society—is undeniably important. His arguments are not without flaws, however—e.g., he fails to offer convincing arguments about how DSNP will motivate newly empowered individual users to consistently act in the “constructive, prosocial” ways that larger entities like Facebook and Google have not. Still, McCourt offers much-needed insight into a system that, as central as it has become to human life, poses threats to our freedom and well-being.

An illuminating, provocative, and disturbing analysis of our current digital age.