King (Steps to the Victorious Walk, 2007, etc.), an evangelist pastor, offers an array of short daily devotionals about Bible verses and their applications to daily life.
In his latest book, the author turns his attention to helping readers build their relationship with God. He’s assembled 90 “devotions,” including for each a Bible verse, some of his own reflections and stories, and what he calls a “meditational thought”: a “thought- provoking point designed to help the reader experience the truth at hand more deeply.” King writes in his introduction that “[t]hose who take a minute and meditate on these nuggets will find the spiritual gold.” Each meditation builds upon the verse in question, leading to King’s clear, succinct final point; for example, he takes a line from Psalm 139, “for I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” and uses it as a way to discuss God’s creation: “Who else but our awesome God could have created such wonder?” He then builds to the meditational thought: “God made all originals and no copies.” Such thoughts are short and familiar but often avoid cliché. King often uses them to rephrase ideas that are common to devotionals, modifying them to be a bit more engaging. Many of them, such as “God is our best insurance,” “Attitude often determines altitude,” and “Names don’t make people, people make names,” should provide readers with springboards for personal meditation. King also contextualizes his summations in a variety of ways, drawing from the verses, real-world examples or his own views. He writes in an inviting, relaxed tone that fits with the book’s structure. Readers will be drawn in and comforted by his friendly nature and left with much to consider.
A collection of brief, engaging thoughts to complement Christian Bible study.