In this third installment of The Faerie Path series, modern London teen Anita has come to terms with the fact that she is really Tania, seventh daughter of King Oberon and Queen Titania, able to bridge the mortal world and that of the magical Faerie. In earlier installments, she barely escaped a fatal marriage to the evil Lord Drake and found her true mother, lost in the mortal realm for 500 years. Returning to Faerie with her mother and sisters, she learns that the evil Sorcerer King and his dread Grey Knights have imprisoned her father Oberon. In a headlong rush across this mystical world, pursued by her old enemy Drake, finding both friend and foe in Faerie’s many inhabitants, Tania, her sisters and her true love Edric search for Oberon’s prison. The race is on to find the means to release him in time to save them all from the destruction the Sorcerer King is so keen to inflict. This final installment in the trilogy continues to take our heroine from one unlikely set of circumstances to another, combining contemporary viewpoints with the more magical world of another time and sphere. Those who liked the first two books will find the conclusion satisfying; those who haven’t read the previous books will miss the foundation, despite the prologue. (Fantasy. 12+)