This is a new volume in the World Perspectives series, ""a primer of parapsychology"" based on a collection of basic source of ""working"" materials- the ""serious evidence available for various kinds of alleged psychical happenings"". While offering the most scrupulous data possible, along with interpretations, it permits the reader to make his own decisions. Gardner Murphy is an impeccable investigator and has for many years been a leading figure in this field and has here selected material from the early 20th century researchers to the studies more recently conducted at Duke and Harvard. As such, the less informed reader will find the material recorded by Mrs. Sidgwick and Dr. Prince and Myers easier to follow than the complicated, technical testing procedures which were necessarily involved in the scientific research experiments. All in all it offers a definition and documentation of ""spontaneous cases"", telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis and survival evidence for the ""professional scientist and thoughtful lay reader"". ""Lay reader"" is perhaps an optimism- it is for the most serious student of paranormal phenomena.