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With passion and expertise, Marcus sounds a strong call to action.

An esteemed academic shows why AI needs firm regulation, which can only come through public pressure.

With the release of ChatGPT, AI burst into the public consciousness, accompanied by voices sounding warnings about its dangers. Marcus, NYU professor emeritus of psychology and neural science and the author of The Algebraic Mind and Kluge, delivers a significant entry in the rapidly expanding literature on the positives and negatives of AI. “What we have now is a mess, seductive but unreliable,” writes the author. “And too few people are willing to admit that dirty truth.” In the early chapters, Marcus recounts the mistakes of AI creators and systems. Some of them are comical, and many of them are frightening, but the errors should be avoidable. The author argues that current AI systems were released prematurely in a race for market share. Moreover, the companies that promote them are now more interested in making money than fixing the problems. In other words, things will get worse before they get better. Big Tech has been effective at stopping attempts at regulation of AI, through political alliances, clever marketing, and vague promises of self-regulation. The author argues convincingly for the necessity of public pressure to spur regulators into action, with a campaign that would lead to laws based on transparency and accountability. It will be a long and difficult process. “I suggest we start with one simple act,” writes Marcus. “Let’s stand up for all the artists, musicians, and writers we love, and boycott Generative AI companies that use their work without compensation or consent.” This seems like a good place to begin; some of the author’s other proposals sound more hopeful than realistic. Nevertheless, this book is an important contribution to a crucial debate.

With passion and expertise, Marcus sounds a strong call to action.

Pub Date: Sept. 24, 2024

ISBN: 9780262551069

Page Count: 240

Publisher: MIT Press

Review Posted Online: June 11, 2024

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Aug. 1, 2024

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A top-notch political memoir and serious exercise in practical politics for every reader.

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In the first volume of his presidential memoir, Obama recounts the hard path to the White House.

In this long, often surprisingly candid narrative, Obama depicts a callow youth spent playing basketball and “getting loaded,” his early reading of difficult authors serving as a way to impress coed classmates. (“As a strategy for picking up girls, my pseudo-intellectualism proved mostly worthless,” he admits.) Yet seriousness did come to him in time and, with it, the conviction that America could live up to its stated aspirations. His early political role as an Illinois state senator, itself an unlikely victory, was not big enough to contain Obama’s early ambition, nor was his term as U.S. Senator. Only the presidency would do, a path he painstakingly carved out, vote by vote and speech by careful speech. As he writes, “By nature I’m a deliberate speaker, which, by the standards of presidential candidates, helped keep my gaffe quotient relatively low.” The author speaks freely about the many obstacles of the race—not just the question of race and racism itself, but also the rise, with “potent disruptor” Sarah Palin, of a know-nothingism that would manifest itself in an obdurate, ideologically driven Republican legislature. Not to mention the meddlings of Donald Trump, who turns up in this volume for his idiotic “birther” campaign while simultaneously fishing for a contract to build “a beautiful ballroom” on the White House lawn. A born moderate, Obama allows that he might not have been ideological enough in the face of Mitch McConnell, whose primary concern was then “clawing [his] way back to power.” Indeed, one of the most compelling aspects of the book, as smoothly written as his previous books, is Obama’s cleareyed scene-setting for how the political landscape would become so fractured—surely a topic he’ll expand on in the next volume.

A top-notch political memoir and serious exercise in practical politics for every reader.

Pub Date: Nov. 17, 2020

ISBN: 978-1-5247-6316-9

Page Count: 768

Publisher: Crown

Review Posted Online: Nov. 15, 2020

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Dec. 15, 2020

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Occasionally wonky but overall a good case for how the dismal science can make the world less—well, dismal.

“Quality of life means more than just consumption”: Two MIT economists urge that a smarter, more politically aware economics be brought to bear on social issues.

It’s no secret, write Banerjee and Duflo (co-authors: Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way To Fight Global Poverty, 2011), that “we seem to have fallen on hard times.” Immigration, trade, inequality, and taxation problems present themselves daily, and they seem to be intractable. Economics can be put to use in figuring out these big-issue questions. Data can be adduced, for example, to answer the question of whether immigration tends to suppress wages. The answer: “There is no evidence low-skilled migration to rich countries drives wage and employment down for the natives.” In fact, it opens up opportunities for those natives by freeing them to look for better work. The problem becomes thornier when it comes to the matter of free trade; as the authors observe, “left-behind people live in left-behind places,” which explains why regional poverty descended on Appalachia when so many manufacturing jobs left for China in the age of globalism, leaving behind not just left-behind people but also people ripe for exploitation by nationalist politicians. The authors add, interestingly, that the same thing occurred in parts of Germany, Spain, and Norway that fell victim to the “China shock.” In what they call a “slightly technical aside,” they build a case for addressing trade issues not with trade wars but with consumption taxes: “It makes no sense to ask agricultural workers to lose their jobs just so steelworkers can keep theirs, which is what tariffs accomplish.” Policymakers might want to consider such counsel, especially when it is coupled with the observation that free trade benefits workers in poor countries but punishes workers in rich ones.

Occasionally wonky but overall a good case for how the dismal science can make the world less—well, dismal.

Pub Date: Nov. 12, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-61039-950-0

Page Count: 432

Publisher: PublicAffairs

Review Posted Online: Aug. 28, 2019

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 15, 2019

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