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TAMING SILICON VALLEY by Gary Marcus Kirkus Star


How We Can Ensure That AI Works for Us

by Gary Marcus

Pub Date: Sept. 24th, 2024
ISBN: 9780262551069
Publisher: MIT Press

An esteemed academic shows why AI needs firm regulation, which can only come through public pressure.

With the release of ChatGPT, AI burst into the public consciousness, accompanied by voices sounding warnings about its dangers. Marcus, NYU professor emeritus of psychology and neural science and the author of The Algebraic Mind and Kluge, delivers a significant entry in the rapidly expanding literature on the positives and negatives of AI. “What we have now is a mess, seductive but unreliable,” writes the author. “And too few people are willing to admit that dirty truth.” In the early chapters, Marcus recounts the mistakes of AI creators and systems. Some of them are comical, and many of them are frightening, but the errors should be avoidable. The author argues that current AI systems were released prematurely in a race for market share. Moreover, the companies that promote them are now more interested in making money than fixing the problems. In other words, things will get worse before they get better. Big Tech has been effective at stopping attempts at regulation of AI, through political alliances, clever marketing, and vague promises of self-regulation. The author argues convincingly for the necessity of public pressure to spur regulators into action, with a campaign that would lead to laws based on transparency and accountability. It will be a long and difficult process. “I suggest we start with one simple act,” writes Marcus. “Let’s stand up for all the artists, musicians, and writers we love, and boycott Generative AI companies that use their work without compensation or consent.” This seems like a good place to begin; some of the author’s other proposals sound more hopeful than realistic. Nevertheless, this book is an important contribution to a crucial debate.

With passion and expertise, Marcus sounds a strong call to action.