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by Geraldo Valério ; illustrated by Geraldo Valério

Pub Date: April 2nd, 2024
ISBN: 9781773067988
Publisher: Groundwood

Four very hungry caterpillars meet a fowl end.

While Coco the chicken eagerly chases insects, the young narrator, a devoted gardener, spots six tiny eggs on a tall plant resembling milkweed. The child asks readers to keep the eggs a secret from Coco—a wise decision. A steady supply of snacks distracts the chicken until six monarch caterpillars hatch. When the snacks run out, the narrator dashes off for more but fails to take Coco along. The opportunistic chicken ravenously scarfs caterpillars (“Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!”) before being waylaid by a stomachache (“Urgh!”). A tear slides down the narrator’s cheek, but after caring for Coco, the child happily finds two surviving caterpillars. Coco, now averse (“Not yummy!”), leaves them alone, and we see them each make a chrysalis, emerge with rumpled wings, deposit eggs on the plant, and fly off, leaving two chrysalides behind. The brief, easy-to-follow text consists entirely of dialogue between the protagonist and Coco. Valério’s simplified, attractive forms were created with watercolor, paper collage, and colored pencil. The round-headed, brown-skinned narrator has bright button eyes. The setting is minimal; Coco and the butterflies are standouts in orange and red.

An age-appropriate introduction to the beautiful, vulnerable monarch butterfly.

(Informational picture book. 3-6)