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THE EGG by Geraldo Valério Kirkus Star


by Geraldo Valério ; illustrated by Geraldo Valério

Pub Date: Aug. 18th, 2020
ISBN: 978-1-77147-374-3
Publisher: Owlkids Books

A crane’s search for a missing egg is unsuccessful—or is it?

In the opening scene, Valério’s signature cut-paper collage features a nest built of strips of different shades of brown, textured paper. Filling a double-page spread, the thin rectangles encircle the crane’s red legs, which, in turn, frame a pink, polka-dot oval. The wordless story continues with the bird flying away just as a storm rolls in, the egg eventually spilling into the moving water below. A tearful quest does not yield the original specimen, but the parent finds another egg-shaped bundle and scoops it up with care. Back at the nest, a rosy-faced human baby emerges from the swaddling. Cherries and rocking lead to smiles, and when the graceful creature soars into the sky, child in tow, it joins a flock of other types of birds: One bears a pig, another totes a goldfish bowl. Still others carry children created from brown paper. They all thrill to acrobatics until evening descends and cuddling begins. This cheerful portrait of adoptive families is not weighed down with any pedantry. It simply shows that nurturing hearts expand with love when presented with opportunity. The artist’s bold palette, striking patterns, and humorous poses will provoke commentary about colors, shapes, and design as well.

Valério’s visual storytelling will excite the eyes and warm the hearts of viewers young and old.

(Picture book. 2-6)