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From the Gifted Clans series, volume 2

by Graci Kim

Pub Date: June 7th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-368-07314-1
Publisher: Rick Riordan Presents/Disney

Riley Oh sets out on another quest—this time into the afterlife—determined to fix all the problems she’s caused.

Thirteen-year-old Riley succeeded in saving her sister, Hattie, and her magical clan from their vindictive goddess, but not without a price. Her clan has lost their magic, and, though Hattie is back, she’s still weak, and she’s not getting better. Feeling as though she’s let everyone down, Riley decides to track down a new patron for her clan in order to restore their magic. The only problems: She’ll have to go to the Korean Spiritrealm to find him, and she doesn’t want to endanger anyone else she cares about. Along with the mysterious Dahl, Riley explores the underworld, which oddly resembles New York City and in which spirits are given tour guides and sentenced to vacations instead of trials. Despite the restructuring, something isn’t right in the Spiritrealm, and fixing it will have consequences in the land of the living. With dry humor and rough-and-tumble theatrics, Riley’s story continues as she grapples with guilt, belonging, and her own identity and self-confidence (Riley is Korean American and was adopted by her Korean family). The novel deftly balances the fun and the serious. The stakes are high, though Riley simply wants to do the right thing for her family and her community.

A nonstop, Korean-inspired fantasy adventure that also tackles darker emotions.

(glossary) (Fantasy. 9-13)