The worlds-shattering conclusion to the Gifted Clans trilogy.
Thirteen-year-old Riley Oh’s world has turned upside down. Hattie, her adoptive sister, has opted to stay in the Spiritrealm to better understand her problems in the Mortalrealm; her parents have adopted Dahl, her soul twin from back when they lived in the sky; and to top it all off, she and Dahl are supposed to save the world and somehow defeat the Godrealm’s vengeful goddesses, which is causing her more than a little anxiety. Luckily, Riley has the support of her friends from both the Spiritrealm and the witch clans, and she’s going to need it, because the barriers between the Mortalrealm, the Spiritrealm, and the Godrealm are starting to thin—and even nonwitches have noticed. Nonstop action, a dash of humor, and a world of technology and Korean magic combine once again in the ways that make this series special. In this installment, Riley truly grows and changes (“compassion isn’t only for your friends—it’s for your enemies, too”), but the themes of family and friendship remain ever present, no matter how far into the Godrealm she may stray. With higher stakes, even more creatures from Korean mythology, and plot points from earlier installments finally addressed, this is an intense, satisfying series finale.
Funny and heartfelt; a compelling tale featuring a sympathetic cast of characters.
(author’s note, glossary) (Fantasy. 9-13)