Even apart from their dinner for an unnamed foreign ambassador, it's been quite a Labor Day weekend for redneck sexpot Skylar Whitfield's northern cousins. First, there's the advent of Skylar, come to Boston on a music scholarship. Then Aunt Lacey's jewels go missing from Uncle Wayne's safe. Cousin Jonathan's fiancÇe Joan (``Jonesy'') Appleyard accuses Skylar of raping her; Skylar rescues Jonathan's sister Calder and her boyfriend Tom Palmer from a near-fatal car accident; and Lacey's playboy brother Calder confides to her that the family firm is bankrupt. It's almost an anticlimax when neighboring teen Louise Oglethorp is shot to death and Ginny Whitfield, the best friend last seen clutching the murder weapon, skips out. Through all the misadventures of his proper, moneyed cousins, Skylar, though out of his element in Tennessee (Skylar, 1995), has time for some sweet sex, some sweet trumpet music, and an arrest that snatches him out from under a little dispute with the Knightsbridge School of Music about his eligibility for that scholarship before the wheels of justice begin to grind. Perhaps the liveliest of Mcdonald's recent books, though the multiple domestic crises never do grow together—you can just see Mcdonald ticking them off as he wraps each one up and soldiers on to the next.