Enzensberger is an essayist and poet -- one of Germany's foremost writers. These essays reveal a reflective Marxian perspective, animated by pointed psychological analysis. One piece explores the arbitrary meanings of ""treason"" and ""state secrets"" in light of the Freudian concept of paranoia. Another, comparing Eichmann's crimes to American nuclear contingency plans, demonstrates how the invention -- and projection -- of criminality is a cornerstone et Western society. Two studies (""Dreamers of the Absolute"") examine radical terrorism in 19th century Russia; a third offers a history and critique of Cuban socialism. Perhaps the most incisive essay -- certainly the most controversial -- debunks the ecology movement's doomsaying and professed political neutrality. The problems of population and pollution will not be solved by demographers or biologists, he argues, or by superficial leftist prescriptions for new ownership: a change in the mode of production is called for, a ""totally revolutionized relationship between men and things."" A provocative, penetrating thinker.