In a wry tale of toddlerhood, young Louie, firmly engrossed in his own world, has a hard time aligning his wants in accordance with other’s desires. Like most toddling tots, negation and compromise do not figure largely in his vocabulary. Spending the day with his vastly patient grandfather, Louie staunchly refuses to dole out kisses or play ball. Instead he dictates the how, what, when, and where of their games. With each one of his suggestions brusquely rejected, Louie’s imperturbable grandpa serenely continues to play with his cantankerous grandchild. Soon, some quiet time spent sharing stories cures the troublesome tot of his contrariness and, at day’s end, Louie bestows a sweet kiss upon his beloved grandparent. Ziefert (What Do Ducks Dream?, p. 510, etc.) unerringly portrays the seemingly incomprehensible twists and turns of the toddler psyche to perfection. Louie’s sudden, heartfelt outpouring of affection for his grandpa saves him from curmudgeon status and is a keen reflection of the quicksilver change of emotions that are the hallmark of this tumultuous time. Boon’s colorful gouache paintings humorously lighten up Louie’s bossiness. Her cuddly-cute renderings of Louie take the sting out of his waspish behavior and Grandpa, a mature feline with graying eyebrows, wins kudos for his benevolent demeanor. A piquant tale that will strike a chord with readers on both sides of the age divide. (Picture book. 2-5)