In this sweetly sentimental tale, a little girl ponders the ultimate in grownup accomplishment. In easy conversational style, the text moves from the child’s voice to her mother’s as they consider what the best job would be for the little girl. Ziefert infuses just the right amount of silliness in the mother’s suggestions to keep readers giggling. The child’s pragmatic yet precocious rationale behind why some jobs just are not an option for her—teachers are condemned to eternally wipe runny noses, construction hats would really itch after a while and so forth—will strike a chord with young audiences. While the outcome of the conversation is no surprise, it does provide a gratifying finish for the tale. Browne’s cartoon-style watercolor illustrations are filled with the minutiae of details that make up the ordinary flotsam and jetsam of a preschooler’s life—and her busy mother’s too—cheerios and spilled milk litter the kitchen floor and toys struggle for shelf space in the home office. Ziefert’s cozy tale encourages young dreamers to contemplate the possibilities of their own glorious futures. (Picture book. 3-6)