Though he earns a stint in the doghouse, this little dog is one endearing pet.
A pup nudges the door open and digs up his owner's yard, then brings the mess of the outdoors (and his cherished bone) into the house. Active, two-word phrases, feature the word “up” in each statement to convey the dog's adventures and the consequences: "dig up / drag up / muddy up…" A few expressions may stretch the audience; “clip up” portrays the downtrodden dog on a leash (the muddy evidence of his outdoor romp streaked through his fur). The next sequence depicts the owner's actions when he cleans the mess. “Now wipe up / gather up / wash up / hang up / fill up” precedes the dog’s "perk[ing] up." Fanny depicts the loving (though exasperated) owner as, mostly, disembodied hands, ensuring that the perspective remains the dog's. The dog’s expressive eyes and slight shifts in his physical appearance light up his scenes. Companion Up Cat briefly reintroduces the dog; he attempts to make friends with a haughty feline, though she “puff[s] up” at the offer. This little pooch’s up-and-down antics charm. (Board book. 18 mos.-3)