Supplement One amplified, revised, enriched the first 300 pages- roughly- of the original The American Language. Supplement Two does the same with the next 300 pages. Together, the two supplements have used the original book as a springboard, an outline, a basic investigation, and have gone on from there, absorbing, discarding, expanding, occasionally contradicting, but always making this searching into the making of a language an exciting, all-absorbing passion. New contribution made by the extending fields of radio and motion pictures; the diverse elements introduced through new language of professions, businesses, science, industry; the effect of the war; the contributions made by opening up of new sources of information on origins of word forms, uses phrases, etc. There's new material on proper names, including some wholly fresh data on origins of names of hotels, apartment houses, churches, ships, Pullman cars, and so on. Geographical names receive a generous share of attention, and provide fresh angles on history. A fascinating book, which will bear endless study, affording something new with each fresh investigation. Don't consider this as saleable only to those who have the earlier volume — but use as opening wedge to introduce Supplement One.