In this sequel to The Convicts (April, 2005) a tangled fate has made Tom Tin’s father his jailer on a ship heading to Australia, where Tom will serve a lengthy prison term for a murder he didn’t commit. However, Tom and his friend Midge escape, ignoring warnings about headhunters, cannibals and pirates. And sure enough, they are soon in quite a stew, with everything predicted and more coming true. Fire-breathing monsters, headless corpses, gigantic snakes, a mysterious woman and islands full of cannibals make this high-spirited, old-fashioned adventure tale, complete with cliffhanger chapter endings, a treat. Lawrence’s prose, as always, is beautifully wrought, with some of the most exciting scenes anywhere in children’s literature. In the midst of so many dangers, Tom learns an important lesson about life: “Our time’s measured in minutes, so live large.” At times intense and gruesome, this is best for older readers. (author’s note) (Fiction. 12-14)