A feminine audit of a life without a man provides an intimate to degage rundown of its pleasures (neglecting the dishes; putting on blue nailpolish; reading old Kathleen Norris novels) as against the difficulties (the blown fuse; stalled car; and-obviously- the check book). It also provides some scattered vignettes of two not always gay divorcees and their householding in Connecticut (near Danbury) with a child apiece and two Siamese cats. There are the occasional men who prefer to settle in for a comfortable evening rather than take them out; the winters of snow shovelling and commuting; the coping with the encroachment of sumac on the lawn or water in the cellar. On the other hand, there's Harry, and his casual camaraderie; some hostessing at a horse show; and their dedicated participation in the little theatre group and a soggy production of Rain .....A flyaway and pleasantly pert entertainment.